For the upholding, preservation and dissemination of the faith “Lailaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasoolullah” and the principles and practices of the religion of Islam, we, the Muslims of Greater Chicago, do hereby establish this organization. To the end that this body must be governed in an orderly manner consistent with the accepted tenets of Islam, and strictly within the framework thereof, we do declare and enact these bylaws. Any activity contrary to or in conflict with the Qur’an and the ‘Sunnah’ shall not be permitted within, or under the auspices of this organization. The principle of shoora (mutual consultation) shall be the governing principle in arriving at decisions.”
—Preamble, MCC By-Laws
“The purposes of the Corporation as stated in its Certificate of Incorporation are: to carry on religious, charitable and educational activities in conformity with the religion of Islam; to do each and everything necessary, suitable or proper for the accomplishment of these objectives, including, but not limiting the generality of the foregoing; to conduct religious services and prayers, to teach, lecture and disseminate the faith among Muslims and non-Muslims; to establish Masajids, libraries, Islamic centers, educational institutions and permanent meeting places; to accept donations, grants, collect specific or general contributions for the attainment of any of these objectives; to promote a better understanding of Islam by the establishment of centers, libraries, distribution of religious material, speeches, lectures and teachings; to represent Islam among other faiths, creeds and religions; to open bank accounts, mortgages, borrow or lend money; to buy, sell, lease, rent, mortgage and trade in property, both real and personal; to do anything which should appear conducive to or expedient for the enhancement and benefit of this Corporation, at any time.”
—Article III, MCC By-Laws